My Favorite Books

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If you’ve ever wondered what my literary influences are, here’s an incomplete list of the books that I feel both shaped me as a person and as a writer. If you haven’t read them, I obviously suggest doing so since they are, at least in my opinion, excellent. Plus, if you enjoy my writing, you’ll see where I got it from and are likely to enjoy the themes, tone, and style of these authors.

Anne McCaffrey is my all-time favorite author. While this may not be the “best” book in the Pern series by certain metrics, it spoke to me so deeply when I first read it that it has always been a novel that equates to chicken soup for my soul. I never sent Anne any fan mail, and that will always be one of my greatest regrets. This was one of the first chapter books I ever read (the first being my mother reading me The Hobbit) as a bedtime story.
Neil’s works are all excellent, but Neverwhere had a huge impact on me and my decision to write urban fantasy. I read a lot of Charles de Lint as a kid, too, but this book unlocked something in my brain and immediately set me on the path of wanting to read more in this genre. It directly inspired me to write Fallen.
No surprise, I’m a huge Dresden fan given the genre I write in. While the first three or four Dresden books are a bit rough, the series is excellent, and I really enjoy them. They’re imperfect, maybe, but so is all art. Also, Jim’s son is writing a novel set in Boston that’s a similar vein of urban fantasy as mine. I am considering challenging him to a duel on Boston Common. With… y’know, rapiers and safety gear. I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to poke him a few times.
This is another one of those books that shaped me as a reader. I came across it in high school, and much like Menolly, I identified with the main character. Being the odd one out, having skills and knowledge others didn’t trust, and the desire to go on an adventure were big to me. The rest of the series is excellent, too, but the first book is enshrined in my heart.
This trilogy, along with Neverwhere really opened the door to the idea of fantasy in the urban setting for me. Her writing is excellent, and I love the stories she tells. If you enjoy urban fantasy and haven’t read her books yet, I strongly recommend them.
Another favorite series, it’s a wonderful adventure in fantasy in a setting that felt unique to me. I haven’t read it in years, but making this list has tempted me to go back and re-read them.
Back to the classics, this series and author shaped me hugely for many years. I first read “Betrayal at Krondor” because I actually got into the video game (yes, I’m that old). However, Magician is the first novel that he put out. It came out around the time I was born, but I discovered this series in high school and was obsessed instantly.